Sunday, September 15, 2019

Brain Storming: Ten Things You Can Do With Your Old Magnificats

Overthinking it, so you don't have to.

I LOVE my Magnificat Magazine. It is a spiritual weapon you can put in your purse. Magnificat is a curated collection of prayers, scriptures, church history, the daily mass readings, beautiful meditations from the saints, and artwork that's easy to read anywhere from lunch breaks to doctor appointments. For years, I've agonized over what to do with them at the end of each month because I think throwing them away is just a pity. 50 dusty and dated Magnificats later, it was time to brain storm. Let's get real.

I WON'T RE-READ THEM. It's like saying you'll read the newspaper from last month. Why put this on yourself? I've certainly gotten my five dollars worth of spiritual food. Remember, this magazine is just a tool to nurture your faith, and it's okay to toss them. Unless someone really could use them, you are just dumping your clutter on someone else. So what can you do with your old Magnificat magazines?



Call the religious education office and see if any of the teachers could use them. Ask those who minister to the home bound if they know of anyone who'd enjoy reading them.


Yes, this does sound good in theory. On the Books Behind Bars website, it lists prisons (28) that will accept used books and magazines. There aren't many prisons that will take them. Even the website states due to the high cost of shipping boxes to the prisons THEY ARE NO LONGER ACCEPTING DONATIONS and ask you to mail your books to those prisons directly. For good measure, you can call and check to see if your local nearby prison would like them. If not, forget it. Sending a box to donate by mail is so expensive, it'd be cheaper to just send a yearly subscription to the prison. It is the same with the military. It is very expensive to send them and due to the religious content they may not receive them.


These are all wonderful ideas! There is no telling what corporate policies and rules of each facility are. Pick a few places that are close to you, call, and FIND OUT if they take religious magazines.  Remove the what if and literally see if that's an option. If not, forget it.


THE MASS/ADORATION MIDDLE PAGES: Cut out the middle pages, staple and share with someone who is entering the church or a guest during the holidays. It would be a wonderful tool to help someone follow along and understand the mass.

If you read a mediation or prayer you think someone would love, rip out the pages and mail it to them. If they seem to enjoy it, be sure to send them a 3 month gift subscription for $5 when it comes around!


As you read, fold the corners of the pages you want to save. At the end of the month, rip out your favorite pages and then throw the magazine away. Artwork can be used for crafts, cards or to display. Each monthly issue can be over 300 pages long. That is almost FOUR THOUSAND pages a year so be picky! Keep only the best!


I used the red middle pages to make the gift bows below. I used a hymn page for an easy flower.


6. MAKE A PAPER CHRISTMAS TREE or PUMPKIN. You can still rip out all your favorite pages, and it has no affect on the end result. I folded 150 pages and made a half circle tree. Then, I tore the binding and removed the first tree. I continued folding the remaining 300 pages to make a full circle tree. So I made the two trees below with one magazine. One topper is a music sheet decoration fanned and taped to the top. The other is a red pipe cleaner.

7. MAKE LITTLE CANDY CUPS for a party, wedding, baptism, or baby shower.

8. MAKE A PAPER WREATH or if you want to invest in a green foam ring this one is lovely.

I used a red Sharpie and marked some of the edges for color. 

9. MAKE PAPER ROSES. I also think this heart garland is sweet, but I don't have a sewing machine.



At that time Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, "Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon." But he did not say a word in answer to her. His disciples came and asked him, "Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us." He said in reply, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But the woman came and did him homage, saying, "Lord, help me." He said in reply, "It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Please, Lord, for even dogs eat the scraps that fail from the table of their masters." Then Jesus said to her in reply, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." And her daughter was healed from that hour. 
MATTHEW 15:21-28

"O woman, great is your faith" by Father William R. Bonniwell, O.P. 

The woman's reaction shows what a truly extraordinary person she was. Twice the divine Master had refused her prayer; and the second time, he likened her to a dog! The Apostles must have expected her to spring to her feet, make some angry reply and furiously walk away. She did nothing of the kind. She remained on her knees and replied with astounding humility... 

In the face of such fervor and faith, of such humility and perseverance, our Lord laid aside his assumed reluctance and exclaimed in admiration: O woman, great is your faith!

Let us take as our model that truly amazing woman. What an example does she give us of how to pray! Her attention and fervor could not be surpassed; her faith and confidence in God's goodness and mercy never wavered for an instant. Her humility could not be ruffled even by being likened to a dog! In the face of every discouragement from the Apostles of Christ, nay, apparently rebuffed by the the Son of God himself, this incomparable woman persevered in her prayer. O woman, great indeed was your  faith!

Excerpt from Magnificat Magazine  August 2019

I hope this helps you to use or get rid of your old Magnificats. I scoured the internet looking for the best crafts and looked into the logistics of my dream donation scenarios. All the crafts were done with only magazine pages, Elmers school glue, scissors, a stapler, a paper plate (wreaths.) and a red Sharpie marker. I followed the instructions sloppily while on my couch. So, rest assured that you need not spend any money or be a Martha Stewart. Let me know below what you do with your old Magnificats. Thank you so much for stopping by and God bless you!


  1. Thank you! These are spectacular ideas, especially the paper art. I have years (yes, I can't throw them away) and was just looking online to see how to dispose of them respectfully. - Dee

    1. Dee, Thank you for the kind words. So I am not alone! I figured I couldn't be the only one hanging onto them wondering what to do. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and that you make something beautiful with them.

  2. Wow! Those crafts are so creative. I just need to commit to doing those projects. I have 6 years worth which are way too many but I will go the Parish and prison route for many of them and save probably a years worth to do your wonderful ideas! God Bless you and Merry 5th day of Christmas!

    1. Aw, Thank you for writing and letting me know I am not alone. It was so liberating to finally get rid of the huge pile I had hoarded. I pray someone will find encouragement through your donations and that you make something beautiful to enjoy. God Bless you and Merry 11th day of Christmas!

  3. I live in Fort Worth TX. I need old Magnificat Magazines for putting in spiritual gift bags for Gabriel Moms getting help through the Gabriel Project. I need 300 of them a year. Our prision ministry needs them too.

    1. God bless you. What a wonderful ministry! Is there a church address we could mail our old Magnificats to you or a link to learn more? How can we help?

  4. Donate them to the men and women onboard cargo ships 🚢 docked in your port. They come in from all over the world and really do appreciate them.
